MCN Lab always provides the opportunity to intelligent and high passionate students from both domestic and foreign countries who willing to pursuing higher education including master's, Ph.D., and postdoctoral degrees. If you are interested to work under the umbrella of MCN Lab research fields which are listed in the research domain directory, you are welcome to send your resume and portfolio by the given contact information below.
- Prospective candidates must meet the following qualifications criteria:
- Students who graduated in the fields of computer science, information technologies, information technology engineering, telecommunication and electronic engineering, information communication engineering, computer software engineering, and other relevant fields will be motivated to apply.
- Familiar with C++, Python, OOP programming
- Good contribution and communication
- Willing to learn new innovative things and a dynamic person
- Honest, strong commitment, and high responsibility
- Fluently in writing, listening, speaking English
- Willing to learn the Korean Language
- Be a good teamwork
How to apply
An interesting applicant can send the resume and portfolio via the contact us page.